Case studies / The Production Office

Art of Banksy Exhibition

The Production Office

The Challenge

Large-scale art exhibitions demand the rapid deployment of robust security measures. This includes on-site personnel and, often, the installation of surveillance systems – all within extremely tight timelines.

MAST's Solution

MAST Security's streamlined processes and exceptional responsiveness played a crucial role in the success of The Art of Banksy exhibition. They provided a security proposal with remarkable speed, followed by a swift site review to thoroughly assess the venue's specific needs. Within a mere 10 days, MAST deployed their team, ensuring comprehensive security was in place before the exhibition's opening. Additionally, they offered valuable support with CCTV installations, further bolstering the event's security posture.

The Outcome

Thanks to MAST's proactive approach, the event organisers enjoyed peace of mind knowing their valuable assets were protected. MAST's rapid response and commitment to comprehensive solutions resulted in exceptional client satisfaction. This successful collaboration positions MAST as a preferred security provider for future high-profile events in the arts and beyond.

“MAST’s mobilisation for The Art of Banksy has been one of the most impressive elements of their service provision to RSEL. The turnaround of quote, to site review, to have staff on site was incredibly quick and under 10 days. Within that timeframe, Adam, Billy and the rest of the team (excuse those I’ve forgotten) ran through their processes at an impressive speed to help ensure we not only had onsite security provision but also assistance with the requested CCTV installations. Overall we cannot fault Mast for their service and provisions. We’re delighted with the initial service, and any queries or questions have been resolved quickly and without hesitation. TPO will be considering MAST for future security services across our host of events, exhibitions and venues.”

The Production Office