Enhance corporate resilience.
Why do we need to think differently?
MAST consulting
Most change occurs within global norms and systems we broadly understand.
The challenge of our time is that the changes are more profound and relate to the actual systems upon which we have relied since WWII.
Our whole way of thinking about the world is being challenged and we need to adapt.
Western enlightenment rules and attitudes no longer apply globally; There is a need for an anthropological not a colonial approach to business and how to assess global events.
This is a significant problem for business.
Human intervention remains vital
The past is an imperfect guide to the future - human judgement has never been more needed.
The seismic changes referred to above will affect our geopolitical understanding; our risk assessments and project management; and the actual tactical measures deployed to address the situation. For as the failed campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq have shown, the real causal flaw lies in the failure to understand the cultural environment in which we were operating.
Cultural understanding - vital
Understanding the cultural context is the essential start point for success. This then needs to be harnessed into techniques that can be adapted to the circumstance and the challenge, and project manage accordingly. And only then can the most suitable practical responses be applied to issues. Crucially, these responses will need to be constantly reviewed in the light of geo political developments. So a vital part of success will be the linkage between the geopolitical analysis at the strategic level and the practical tactical management of the response.
Our approach is different
While the world is full of security risk management companies there is a gap in the market for a company that can not only operate at each of these levels but can combine them in a seamless package. MAST Consulting fills this gap . It combines strategic geopolitical analysis with a proven track record, both of security analysis and planning, and of actual implementation at the tactical level. This expertise comes from the principal members allied to the reach back they have to wider expertise. Spanning advice to the C-suite down to the man guarding on the gate.
Our approach
- Expert Consultants
- Insights from former military, ambassadors, government and private sector professionals
- Global Network:
- In-house leadership supported by specialised regional and local partners
- Tailored Solutions:
- Strategies aligned with your unique operational challenges
- Deep rooted subject matter expertise:
- Extensive experience of geopolitics, government and military operations at command level
Key Benefits
- Risk Mitigation:
- Proactive identification and reduction of vulnerabilities
- Operational Efficiency:
- Optimise processes to ensure resources are appropriately allocated
- Decision Support:
- Data-driven insights for informed choices using AI to accelerate information and decision making.

MAST Consulting can provide the holistic response required by the challenges posed today.

Mast Security
Security Expertise You Can Trust.
Collaborate with our experts to build a security plan that meets your unique needs.